News on Both Fronts

We have been busy the last couple months, both in America and in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In May I (John) traveled to the U.S. for Seed Company meetings. Our Field Operations division hadn’t met in person in almost four years so it was nice to get reconnected with colleagues! I was happy that our meetings were held in North Carolina as that made it possible for me to see our 3 boys and 2 daughters-in-law before and after the meetings. That made the over 100 hours of travel a little less painful!

The Seed Company Pacific team (part of Field Operations)


About a year ago, I had asked for prayer that Korry Reuben, a former consultant intern, would be able to become more involved in translation consulting. Just last month he was hired by the translation center here on a six-month trial basis to do consultant checking and training. I’m supervising Korry and it has been great to see him enjoying being more involved in the work of Bible translation!


Part of Brena’s job with Staff Care is doing exit interviews for those leaving on furlough or leaving for good. It’s a way for the missionaries to debrief their time in PNG and also for Staff Care to hear what people have been struggling with and hopefully find a way to fix the problems. While I was gone, Brena did a number of interviews. Here she is with Jo Miller. Jo came at age 55 to teach at the elementary school. She’s been here 15 years and feels like it’s God’s time for her to retire. The community will miss her. It’s people like her who allowed us to come to PNG after our time in the Solomons was over.


Grant and Sara will be moving this month from Charlottesville, Virginia to Houston, Texas because Sara was matched to MD Anderson Hospital for a year of residency for oncology pharmacy. Pray for them as they adjust to living in a new city and pray that they will find a good church and make new friends.

Joey and Moriah are residing in Charleston, South Carolina. Joey is finishing up his business degree online and working part-time and Moriah is an assistant to several pastors at East Cooper Baptist Church. Please pray for them as they continue to adjust to married life and make plans to work as full time missionaries in a couple of years. A lot of decisions ahead.

Joey & Moriah (left) visited Sara and Grant up in Virginia over the Easter weekend.

After several years of working, Luke has decided to start college. He was accepted to Liberty University in Virginia and received a scholarship for full tuition. Please pray for Luke as he transitions to a very different life and pray that God would direct him to a degree that suits his gifts and interests.

Luke on his 21st birthday

Kairu just graduated from Cornerstone University in Michigan with a degree in Bachelor of Science, Pre-Dental. We are proud of him! Please pray for him as he tries to find a job in the dental field and also decides on a graduate program in dentistry either in America or Australia.

Joey and Moriah were able to attend Kairu’s graduation in May


  • We’re thankful that I had a good trip to the U.S. connecting with colleagues and our kids. Brena did fine on her own while I was gone (keeping busy with Café’s, haircuts, interviews, etc.), so we’re thankful for that.
  • Thank you for praying for Brena’s talk to the teens few weeks back. There were only 15 teens there, but she did well in sharing how she has experienced God’s unconditional love and grace in her life as she has lived with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  • Thank you for praying for Brena’s need for more help at her Cafes. 5 new people signed up recently.
  • Brena’s boss (Carl Campbell, the manager of Staff Care) is retiring in August. Please pray that another person comes along that can take over his responsibilities. Carl and his wife Pam will be greatly missed here!
  • We would appreciate your prayer for our kids and the requests mentioned above.
  • We plan to leave for America in November for a 6-month home assignment (since it will have been a 2 year term overseas). There’s quite a bit of planning that goes into transitioning back to our home country; finding housing and a car, figuring out how to see many of our supporters who are scattered all over America, spending time with family, and fitting in work. We trust God will make the details come together as He always has in the past but we would appreciate prayer.
  • On my return to PNG, Brena and I were able to take a little time in Port Moresby (the capital) for some R & R and to celebrate 29 years of marriage.


PO Box 1 (134), Ukarumpa EHP 444, Papua New Guinea (OR send to: c/o Andrews, 4807 Ruidoso Dr., Arlington, TX 76017 because of COVID delays in airmail)



send gifts to: Wycliffe Bible Translators, PO Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862 (The check should be made payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators and include a note that says preference for the ministry of John and Brena Bruner)